... I can not swim at the beach then yes, we swam on Sunday at Cape San Vicente in Portugal. Someday I will dedicate a post to talk about the Algarve.
After a few vacation days, or rather a few days without easy access to internet, I returned to normal life. Pucela few days enjoying family and a stop in Lisbon, Alentejo continuing through the trip home. And here I am again, with a lot of marketing books to study, the French dictionary very close to be learning little things, some notes on macroeconomics and temperartura ranging between 15 º and 25 º and although the people of this land say that its cold, I'm happy with a shirt and jersey in case "cool."
Altea saw you on our land, rather than competing with the car did not see me.
And now to catch up, sure there are things in your blogs interestes
PS: the picture as close as I have now to a steak. I took on the trip back ...
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